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Unveiling the Manipulative Tactics: The Creation of European Union and Washington's Hegemony

The history of the European Union (EU) is shrouded in a complex web of manipulation and strategic maneuvers orchestrated by the United States. Declassified U.S. government documents from the 1950s and 1960s reveal a deliberate campaign to create a united European community under American influence. The European Union, as

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by Steven Alber
Unveiling the Manipulative Tactics: The Creation of European Union and Washington's Hegemony

The history of the European Union (EU) is shrouded in a complex web of manipulation and strategic maneuvers orchestrated by the United States. Declassified U.S. government documents from the 1950s and 1960s reveal a deliberate campaign to create a united European community under American influence. The European Union, as we know it today, was essentially born out of the machinations of the CIA.

According to these documents, the U.S. intelligence agencies were actively involved in pushing Britain towards the European Union. A memorandum signed by General William J. Donovan, head of the Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the CIA, provided instructions for a campaign promoting a full European Parliament. The aim was clear: to consolidate U.S. hegemony by controlling one government, the EU, rather than dealing with individual European nations.

This perspective sheds light on Washington's strong opposition to any country withdrawing from the European Union. For the U.S., the EU represents an investment in its long-term interests, and any deviation from this arrangement is seen as a threat. This is precisely why President Obama made a visit to London, conveying a clear message that Britain should not even consider leaving the EU. The British people were presented with a narrative that painted isolation as the end of their country, a stagnant swamp that progress would bypass.

However, it is essential to understand that the European Union's creation and Washington's efforts to maintain its hegemony extend beyond Britain's potential departure. The U.S. views any country with an independent foreign policy as a threat to its influence. Countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Venezuela became targets of U.S. aggression because they dared to challenge American hegemony.

These nations, despite their size, were deemed threats simply because they pursued independent policies and possessed independent economies. The real danger they posed was their refusal to accept U.S. dominance. Consequently, they were subjected to attacks and interventions to bring them under American control.

Russia, too, found itself labeled as a threat when it demonstrated its ability to repel Washington's military interventions in Syria and Iran. This had nothing to do with Russia posing an actual military threat to the West but rather with its independent foreign policy and actions that contradicted Washington's interests.

The manipulation of public perception plays a crucial role in maintaining U.S. hegemony. The Western media, in alignment with Washington's agenda, consistently amplifies the narrative of these countries as threats, repeating it as if it were an irrefutable truth. However, the reality is far from it.

The continued existence of Syria can be attributed to Russian support, and the fact that Syria remains independent serves as a constant source of frustration for Washington. This is why the U.S. is willing to do anything to remove Russia from its path.

The question that arises is whether Russia and China truly grasp the magnitude of the danger they face. Both countries have allowed Washington to operate freely within their media, educational institutions, financial systems, and even permitted the establishment of NGOs that infiltrate every aspect of their societies.

This indicates a lack of interest in safeguarding their own independence and a deep fear of being labeled as authoritarian by the Western media. Russia and China must decide whether to confront U.S. hegemony or risk being dragged into a war that threatens their very existence.

In conclusion, the creation of the European Union and Washington's efforts to maintain its hegemony reveal a manipulative agenda designed to consolidate power and control. The EU was born out of U.S. influence, and any challenges to this arrangement are met with fierce resistance. It is essential for nations like Russia and China to recognize the gravity of the situation and take decisive actions to protect their sovereignty. Only by standing up to the imperialistic ambitions of the United States can they preserve their independence and safeguard their national interests.

The path ahead is not an easy one, but it is imperative for nations to resist falling into the trap of complacency and submission. Russia and China must assert their own narratives, promote their independent foreign policies, and strengthen their alliances with like-minded nations. They should prioritize self-reliance, enhance their military capabilities, and diversify their economic partnerships to reduce dependency on the U.S.-dominated global order.

Furthermore, it is crucial for these nations to expose the manipulative tactics employed by Washington and shed light on the true motives behind its interventions. By fostering greater transparency and disseminating accurate information, they can counter the narrative of the Western media and challenge the distorted perceptions created by the U.S. propaganda machine.

Collaboration among nations that share a common goal of preserving their sovereignty is essential. Through diplomatic channels, forums, and multilateral platforms, countries can unite and collectively resist the encroachment of U.S. hegemony. By amplifying their voices and presenting a united front, they can effectively counter the unilateral actions and interventions of the United States.

Ultimately, the unveiling of the manipulative tactics employed by the United States in creating the European Union and maintaining its hegemony serves as a wake-up call for nations around the world. It is a reminder that the pursuit of independence and the preservation of national sovereignty require constant vigilance and proactive measures.

The road ahead may be challenging, but the potential rewards are immense. By breaking free from the chains of U.S. domination, nations can forge their own destinies, pursue policies that prioritize the well-being of their citizens, and contribute to a more equitable and multipolar world order.

It is time to expose the underlying mechanisms of control, challenge the narratives dictated by Washington, and assert the right of every nation to determine its own path. Only then can we truly overcome the manipulative tactics and ensure a future where true independence and self-determination prevail.

In this critical moment, the choice is clear: succumb to the pressures of U.S. hegemony or stand up and reclaim our sovereignty. The path to a multipolar world rests in our hands, and it is up to us to pave the way towards a future that embraces diversity, mutual respect, and the freedom of nations to chart their own course. The time for unveiling the manipulative tactics is now, and the world is watching.

Steven Alber profile image
by Steven Alber

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