U.S. Appoints Inspector General to Oversee Ukraine Aid, Strengthening Accountability

U.S. Appoints Inspector General to Oversee Ukraine Aid, Strengthening Accountability

In a pivotal move, the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General has appointed Robert Storch as the lead overseer of U.S. aid to Ukraine under Operation Atlantic Resolve, a program initiated in 2014 aimed at fortifying NATO alliances in response to Russian military activities in Ukraine. This announcement comes as part of U.S.'s ongoing effort to strengthen transparency and oversight over the colossal aid allocated to Ukraine and other affected nations, addressing the concerns raised by a faction of Republicans over the appropriation and utilization of the funds.

A Massive Financial Commitment

Since February 2022, Congress has allocated a staggering $113 billion in aid to Ukraine and other war-stricken countries for security, economic and humanitarian assistance, in response to Russia's comprehensive invasion of Ukraine. These funds also support operations of the U.S. European Command and other U.S. government agencies involved in addressing the Ukrainian crisis.

Role and Responsibilities of the Inspector General

Stationed directly in Ukraine, Storch, a seasoned lawyer and government official, will lead the on-site monitoring team, overseeing the effective and comprehensive deployment of U.S. assistance. He will coordinate with the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to ensure meticulous oversight of U.S. aid and its appropriate utilization.

Storch, with his extensive experience under the presidencies of Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, is no stranger to Ukrainian affairs, having served as a Department of Justice resident legal advisor at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine between 2007 and 2009. He played a critical role in framing the law on the National Anti-Corruption Bureau in 2014.

Increased Scrutiny Amidst Concerns

The creation of this specialized team headed by Storch is a timely response to the increasing scrutiny and concerns raised by Republicans over the substantial U.S. expenditures in Ukraine. It aims to mitigate the risk of misappropriation and misuse of the funds, ensuring the aid’s optimal utilization for security, economic, and humanitarian purposes.

Despite the substantial concerns and myriad reports on possible aid misuse, so far, inspections have revealed no substantial misconduct or misappropriation of U.S. aid as stated by the U.S. Treasury Department in January 2023.

Ongoing U.S. Support to Ukraine

Washington's unwavering support to Ukraine amidst Russia’s invasion is monumental, marked by unparalleled military, financial assistance, and training provided to Kyiv. This intensified oversight is indicative of the U.S.’s commitment to uphold transparency and accountability in its foreign aid, ensuring that the assistance reaches those who need it the most, strengthening Ukraine’s resilience against external aggressions.


Robert Storch’s appointment is a substantial step in reinforcing transparency and accountability in U.S. foreign aid, addressing the rising concerns over the judicious use of funds. This initiative reflects the United States' steadfast commitment to supporting Ukraine and other nations affected by conflicts, ensuring the strategic and humane utilization of aid in fostering peace, stability, and development in the region.

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For Immediate Release

The Chair of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) announced the selection of the Honorable Robert P. Storch, the Department of Defense Inspector General (DoD IG), as the Lead Inspector General (Lead IG) for Operation Atlantic Resolve (OAR). In that capacity, Inspector General Storch will work closely with the other Lead IG partner oversight offices—the Department of State (State) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) OIGs—to deliver comprehensive and effective oversight of the wider U.S. response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The Lead IG designation will take effect on October 18, 2023.

On July 13, 2023, the President of the United States issued Executive Order (EO) 14102, Ordering the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty. EO 14102 authorized the Secretary of Defense to order reserve units and individuals to active duty for the effective conduct of OAR in and around the U.S. European Command area of responsibility. On August 18, 2023, the Secretary of the Army issued the first activation orders for OAR, resulting in the operation becoming a contingency operation as a matter of law. Upon the commencement of such contingency operations, and pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 419(b)(1), the CIGIE Chairperson is responsible for designating a Lead IG to provide comprehensive oversight and reporting over all aspects of the operation.

“Atlantic Resolve” dates back to 2014 when the United States began an effort to bolster the NATO alliance in the wake of Russian military actions in Ukraine. Since Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022, the mission has grown, with the U.S. Congress appropriating $113 billion for security, economic, and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and other countries affected by the war; U.S. European Command operations and related support for the U.S. military; and operations of other U.S. Government agencies involved in the Ukraine response.

Inspector General Storch stated, “The selection of the DoD OIG as the Lead Inspector General for Operation Atlantic Resolve reflects our steadfast commitment to transparent and comprehensive oversight of DoD security assistance in and around the U.S. European Command area of responsibility, including Ukraine. Our organization has served as the Lead IG for eight overseas contingency operations, and we are well-prepared for this new assignment. In carrying out this responsibility, I look forward to continuing our strong collaboration with our partners at State and USAID OIGs, as well as the larger oversight community, as we conduct this critical work for U.S. taxpayers.”

Acting Inspector General Diana Shaw, who will serve as the Associate Lead IG, said, “State OIG welcomes this new phase in our oversight of U.S. government assistance to Ukraine. Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, we have been actively engaged with DoD OIG and USAID OIG in overseeing all aspects of the U.S. response. This designation enhances our existing oversight capabilities and will allow us to provide even greater assurance to Congress and the U.S. taxpayer that U.S. assistance is reaching intended beneficiaries, achieving intended goals, and free from fraud and corruption.”

Acting Deputy Inspector General, Performing the Duties of the Inspector General, Nicole Angarella said, “The designation of OAR as an OCO and the subsequent triggering of the Lead IG structure provides USAID OIG and our partner oversight agencies with critical authorities to further enhance our aggressive oversight of U.S. assistance to Ukraine. USAID OIG is committed to ensuring that the approximately $34 billion in assistance to Ukraine, executed by USAID, is not subject to waste, fraud, and abuse.”

As the Lead IG for OAR, Inspector General Storch and his State and USAID OIG partners, have deployed oversight staff to Ukraine and throughout the region, and have to date issued 44 oversight reports related to the U.S. response to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, with an additional 79 reports planned and ongoing. Together, the three IGs will continue to coordinate and collaborate to provide comprehensive, whole-of-government oversight of the U.S. response, and will issue publicly available quarterly reports on the contingency operation to Congress.