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The Secret to Finding Vital Harmony or How to Draw Cosmic Immunity Through Food

Before partaking in any meal, it's essential to connect with the living nature and the omnipotent Ether. One should give thanks to the Inca's Pachamama, for it is due to her blessings that all that grows from the earth lands on our dining tables. Gratitude should

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by Steven Alber
The Secret to Finding Vital Harmony or How to Draw Cosmic Immunity Through Food
© 2023 Steven Alber. All rights reserved.

Before partaking in any meal, it's essential to connect with the living nature and the omnipotent Ether. One should give thanks to the Inca's Pachamama, for it is due to her blessings that all that grows from the earth lands on our dining tables.

Gratitude should be expressed to the Creator for the radiant sun, the melody of birdsong, the mineral-rich fresh air, and the crystal-clear drinking water! By communicating with living nature, we can achieve harmony with the surrounding biology and create a blended ambiance around us.

All of this is for the sole purpose of feeling good in all aspects of our wellbeing, in this chaotic world we live in. It is necessary to find just 1-2 minutes for this ritual every day. If a natural environment is lacking and your dining table is situated in the kitchen, then do it in your thoughts or while enjoying the autumn view through a window. If the weather is gloomy, give thanks to the Creator for the rain and water, for without moisture and water, there would be no food on the table. It's as simple as that! Give it a try, and you won't regret it!

Let's delve deeper into the concept and elaborate more on each point in this paragraph.

Before the act of consumption, it is paramount to establish a connection with the forces of nature - both the tangible, vibrant ecosystems surrounding us and the intangible, omnipotent Ether that binds the universe together. This process of communing isn't just a method of showing respect; it's an integral part of nourishing our spirits and reminding us of our roots in the cosmos.

In many cultures, gratitude for the Earth's bounty is directed towards a deity or figure of reverence. For the Incas, this figure was Pachamama, the revered goddess of Earth and time. It is through her blessings that the soil nurtures the seeds, the plants reach for the sky, and the fruits of the earth make their way onto our tables. By showing gratitude to such a figure, we are not just thanking a mythical entity, but rather acknowledging the intricate web of life that supports our existence.

The Creator, in its many forms, is often seen as the giver of life's most essential gifts. The life-giving warmth of the sun, the uplifting cadence of birdsong that serves as nature's orchestra, the mineral-rich air that fills our lungs with every breath, and the clear, rejuvenating water that sustains all life - these gifts are easily taken for granted in our busy lives. By consciously expressing gratitude for these gifts, we're grounding ourselves, anchoring our existence in the world, and reminding ourselves of our dependence on these fundamental elements of life.

Harmonizing with nature goes beyond just acknowledging it; it involves becoming one with it. This means tuning into the rhythm of the natural world, observing its patterns, and mimicking them to create a harmonious environment around us. The process is not just about coexisting with nature but becoming an integral part of it.

Even if one finds themselves in a concrete jungle, devoid of an immediate natural environment, this connection can still be established. You might be in a kitchen, surrounded by artificial lighting and linoleum floors, but by focusing your thoughts on nature and visualizing its beauty, you can still achieve this spiritual connection. Looking through the window and appreciating the rustling leaves in the autumn wind, the delicate snowflakes falling gently from the sky, or the soothing rhythm of the raindrops against the glass - these are ways to tune into nature's frequencies.

In the face of gloomy weather, instead of dismissing it as unpleasant, one can choose to see the beauty in it and the purpose it serves. Recognizing the rain for its life-giving properties, understanding that it is the harbinger of fertility and growth, and that without its nurturing touch, the food that graces our tables would not exist - such a perspective can lead to an appreciation of even the seemingly somber moments of nature. In every drop of rain, there is the potential for life, and for that, we owe our gratitude to the Creator.

The beauty of this practice is its simplicity and accessibility. You don't need vast tracts of untouched wilderness or a complicated ritual. All you need is a moment of stillness, a deep breath, and a sense of gratitude. These are tools available to each one of us, at every moment of our lives. Carving out just 1-2 minutes a day for this ritual could be the beginning of a profound shift in the way we view our place in the world and our relationship with nature.

Engaging in this practice can lead to a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all life. This realization can, in turn, foster a sense of responsibility to care for our natural environment, to consume responsibly, and to give back to the earth that nurtures us.

Ultimately, this exercise is not just about gaining cosmic immunity, it's about rekindling a relationship with our natural environment, and acknowledging our interdependence with all forms of life. This understanding forms the bedrock of a conscious, harmonious, and sustainable lifestyle. By realizing that we are not just inhabitants of this planet, but also its stewards, we are taking the first step towards creating a more balanced world.

By understanding the importance of this connection, you can immerse yourself more deeply in the intricate web of life, drawing strength, resilience, and vitality from it. You see, cosmic immunity isn't something you gain by isolating yourself from the world around you. Rather, it's something you nurture by consciously choosing to be a part of it, to learn from it, and to evolve with it.

So, take a moment. Pause. Connect with nature in your unique way, express your gratitude, and see how this simple act can transform your relationship with food, nature, and yourself. Life is a remarkable gift, and by acknowledging and appreciating this fact every day, you're embarking on a journey towards true harmony and vitality.

Give it a try - it is simpler than it seems, and you will not regret it!

Steven Alber profile image
by Steven Alber

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