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The Ancient Temazcal Ritual: A Journey to Unity and Origin

The temazcal is a space where all the forces of the universe converge, and to access them, we resort to a ritual that symbolizes the creative energies that intertwine the heart of the sky with the heart of the earth. As the womb of Mother Earth, the temazcal contains within

Steven Alber profile image
by Steven Alber
The Ancient Temazcal Ritual: A Journey to Unity and Origin

The temazcal is a space where all the forces of the universe converge, and to access them, we resort to a ritual that symbolizes the creative energies that intertwine the heart of the sky with the heart of the earth.

As the womb of Mother Earth, the temazcal contains within it the creative energy synthesized in the union of water and fire, which we call Atlachinolli or "burnt water." Therefore, when our body comes into contact with these two fused elements, each cell in our body awakens the ancient memory within it, which is the memory of the origin of life on Earth.

This assertion may seem exaggerated to some, but let's be analytical, observant, and awake to understand a concept like this.

Consider that the life energy that comes from the cosmos is synthesized in the Sun. Photons, which are particles of matter that carry all kinds of radiation, come from it to us. Without them, life and movement on Earth would not be possible. A tree actually feeds on these photons and somehow concentrates them in the trunk, which we take in the form of firewood, and with friction, we generate fire. We understand that when this fire is generated, we are actually activating a very tiny part of the Sun, which, like it, emanates light, heat, and animates things.

The stones we use in the temazcal are volcanic, so initially, they were inside Mother Earth, in her bowels, in her heart, and came out to the surface in liquid form. When they solidified, we took them and put fire on them to finally introduce them into the temazcal.

We call these stones "grandmothers" because we consider that they have been on the surface of the Earth long before us, so they are much older than any human being. This, combined with the fact that for tens of thousands of years, all the bodily remains of our ancestors have returned to the Earth, remaining planted and in contact with those stones that we take with so much love.

The volcanic stone is awakened, animated, and reactivated with fire. It regains its initial properties when it becomes red hot, almost lava-like, emitting light, and has the high-frequency vibration we call heat.

When we transmit heat to the stones through fire, what we actually have is a synthesis of the heart of the sky with solar energy and the heart of the Earth with the lava that came from the bowels. It is a dual fusion composed of the essence of the Universal Father and Mother Earth.

When the stones are in front of us, incandescent, sparking, emitting light, we say that they have awakened from their lethargy and returned to their original, ancient form as they were at the beginning of the creation of the Earth.

We pour water over the ancient stones in the temazcal, which returns to us in the form of steam. However, it is not just that. When the water molecules come into contact with the hot stones, an ionization process occurs that ionizes the oxygen within the temazcal. This provides us with a substantial charge of electrons that helps balance the energetic imbalance we experience in our daily lives, particularly in large cities where an overload of protons can make us feel disoriented and unwell. Scientists have studied these processes, comparing ionization in cities to that found in rural areas, on the beach, and in remote areas away from electromagnetic radiation produced by technological devices.

When water is poured over the ancient stones, the four elements that sustain various forms of life come into play, resulting in an immediate interaction between the earth and the stones, fire, water, and air.

When water and fire touch, small amounts of minerals are released from the stones and become part of the steam and hot air. As a result, in this confined space, we have direct contact with the four elements simply by breathing. The steam brings to us the ancient essence of the earth so that we can make direct contact with it, reminding each of our cells of our true origin.

This powerful process leads us to a deep state of unity, reminding us that we are the earth because our body is made of it and reactivating the hidden memory that recognizes our soul or spirit comes from the cosmos. We enter the temazcal without personal belongings. Its interior is entirely dark so that our face, skin color, and hair disappear entirely, allowing everyone sitting around the fire to recognize that we are the same, that we are made of the same thing, and that we are woven with the same laws. The heat is the same for everyone, regardless of socioeconomic position, race, gender, age, etc.

In the darkness of the temazcal, we share our true essence. The body is relegated to a secondary role, and only the soul manifests itself through words and songs. Here we find that we are one face, one heart, one human race, an integration of body and soul that our ancestors called Tonal and Nagual.

The procedures used in the temazcal have taught us that we can use aromatic and healing plants because Tonantzin Tlalli, "our venerable Mother Earth," provides us with her love to balance our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual states. What happens to us in the temazcal with the steam, heat, presence of stones, and hot air is that we return to our origin, to the moment when everything began on earth.

Putting water on the hot stones in the temazcal is a creative act that brings about a transformation. The water changes from a liquid state to a gaseous one, expanding and exploding with energy intended for those of us gathered around the fire to coexist with it. This creative act also transforms us, generating a violent movement in our blood and the fluids that run through our veins. The sweating caused by the heat is a vivid synthesis of detachment, renewal, and cleansing that every cell in our body undergoes.

The heat causes our bones, composed of minerals identical to those of stones, to vibrate in harmony with the stones. This resonance and vibration at the same frequency awaken our hidden memory, as blood is created in the bones. Therefore, if this solid structure vibrates in harmony with the earth, the blood carries this information to every cell, neuron, and molecule that makes up our physical state.

We enter the temazcal to recognize that we are the living presence of our ancestors. They deposited in our genes and blood the shape of their faces, skin color, their way of life, their thoughts, and their aspirations for humanity. We coexist and share with them the mystery of life and death. Our ancestors become our guides and protectors because, by awakening them in our blood, all their knowledge, wisdom, and advice come to us.

We sing in the temazcal for two main purposes. The first is to occupy the mind and focus our attention, so we are not saturated in the banality of life that leads to a state of comfort. The second purpose is to vibrate the body. With the songs, our brain, throat, and chest vibrate, accompanied by drums and rattles, so that the vibration is complete in every organ of our body. Our heart beats in unison with the beating of the drums, which is the beating of the Earth.

The temazcal is a ceremony of pure love and pure vibration with each of the elements that make life possible. In this ceremony, the vibration we achieve links the earthly forces with the cosmic ones to flow in the same direction we call "consciousness."

The temazcal makes us awaken and open our internal senses. The hot stones in the center of the temazcal, which we call the "navel," take on the function of a condenser because the Nican Axcan "here and now" is there. At the "navel" of the temazcal, the four cosmic directions converge, the sky, the earth, and the connection with the underworld. For this reason, the temazcal brings us a profound sense of peace and harmony because we shed our history and only live in the present moment without worrying about the future.

For these and many other reasons, the temazcal is a celebration that honors life, values every being that lives and feels, and reminds us of the deep respect we must have for every beat of our heart, every breath, every word. Ultimately, every moment brings us closer to our death, our integration, our return to Mother Earth, from whom we came and to whom we shall return.

For these and many other reasons, the temazcal is a celebration that honors life, values every being that lives and feels, and reminds us of the deep respect we must have for every beat of our heart, every breath, every word. Ultimately, every moment brings us closer to our death, our integration, our return to Mother Earth, from whom we came and to whom we shall return.

Blessings to the four elements: fire, water, sky, and earth.

Steven Alber profile image
by Steven Alber

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