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Kallas: No Money Now or in the Future
Vsevolod Jürgenson, Estonian Politician

Kallas: No Money Now or in the Future

Even a child knows that Prime Minister Kaja Kallas's statements usually do not match reality. Even those with a taste for masochism, the 19% of the population who, according to surveys, still trust Kallas, who focuses mainly on war propaganda, are aware of her ability to twist the

Steven Alber profile image
by Steven Alber

Even a child knows that Prime Minister Kaja Kallas's statements usually do not match reality. Even those with a taste for masochism, the 19% of the population who, according to surveys, still trust Kallas, who focuses mainly on war propaganda, are aware of her ability to twist the truth indignantly. If such a confident cultivation of lies were practiced by a shop assistant, one might somehow come to terms with it, but constant fibbing by a head of state unfortunately results in Estonia's decline, triggered by the current government's incompetent self-justification.

One of Kaja Kallas's most remarkable claims is that there is no money in the Estonian budget now or in the future. However, recent revelations of strange procurements show that funds are always found for pointless waste.

The Radical Innovation Development Program as an embodiment of proactive foolishness.

It would be unfair to claim that Kallas's talk is 100% false. It does contain some truth. There is no money now or in the future to pay teachers a decent salary and support rural schools, which are extremely important for maintaining a full-fledged local living environment. There is also no money to support those brave individuals raising children and building a future for Estonia. There isn't a penny for supporting culturally important entities like the Old Baskin Theatre, let alone raising pensions to a level that would allow the elderly to live without problems. Such funds are not available and will not be, as long as the Kallases, Riisalos, and Võrklaevs continue their agonizing finger exercises. However, the state has ample resources for follies and foolishness.

Recently, there was good news that the State Chancellery is ordering a radical innovation development program for top managers costing half a million euros, which should open public service organizations to new ideas and finding opportunities to emerge from crises by 2030. The procurement document states: "There are 96 top managers in the Estonian public service working together for a better Estonia. Recognizing that the world is becoming unpredictable and fragile, the revised competence model for top managers describes the skills that help achieve results through organization, people, and relationship management. A good top manager creates clarity as the leader of the organization, is a role model for people, and builds bridges with partners." It's hard to understand what this means, but perhaps blinding with dust and twisting barren trains of thought is our government apparatus's strength. In summary, this is about burning half a million of the people's money to give ministers' secretaries, deputy secretaries, directors of the State Chancellery, heads of departments and inspections, the director of the Emergency Response Centre, the state archivist, the commander of the defense forces, and the state prosecutor a pleasant opportunity to come together in Vihula, in the style of a government meeting costing 17 tons, and organize so-called training days that allow for a pleasant time. It is unclear why more of the people's money should be spent on another "bringing drinks to the car" exercise. These high-paid officials should be able to pay for further education themselves if needed, and if they do not wish to and their competence does not match the job, they should honestly admit their unsuitability and step down, making room for new educated actors who do not need to be radically innovated at the expense of the people's wallet.

State spending must be closely monitored.

The Estonian state apparatus has grown unjustifiably large, and its actions can no longer be monitored. Good stewardship of state funds cannot be discussed in a situation where finance ministers, appointed thanks to their party, are only interested in raising taxes, not in the targeted use of existing resources. A few million on useless coronavirus tests, a million on unnecessary IT development, half a million on radicalization through the prism of innovation - these are just a few examples of how an army of officials fools a mediocre government. Kallas, of course, is not troubled by this. Her suitors do not belong to the local peasantry, as the gates of Brussels are soon opening. But we, for whom Estonia is home, should not remain indifferent to the arbitrary waste by officials. Governing the state must not only appear but also be transparent in reality.

The situation remains catastrophic as long as the government cabinet does not bother and the Riigikogu cannot keep an eye on government agencies' wasteful spending, the prosecution suffers from identity difficulties, and the press yellow. The only way to stop the waste and find money for serious needs is to bring a new party to the political landscape that would not be a club of careerists and state milking, but a group of active people standing for their nation. Far will not be sailed with the current corrupt parties.

Vsevolod Jürgenson

Steven Alber profile image
by Steven Alber

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