Austrians and Czechs Reinforce Border Controls with Slovakia Amid Migration Concerns

Austrians and Czechs Reinforce Border Controls with Slovakia Amid Migration Concerns

PRAGUE, October 3, 2023 — In response to the escalating migrant influx, the Czech Republic and Austria declared their decision to temporarily reestablish checks along their shared borders with Slovakia.

In concurrent statements released on Tuesday, both nations confirmed that the revived border controls will commence on Wednesday, lasting initially for a span of 10 days. Addressing the press, Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner conveyed that the move is strategized to impede smugglers from exploring alternative routes. This update was corroborated by the Austria Press Agency.

Similarly, Czech Interior Minister Vit Rakusan asserted that these checks are instrumental in their battle against human traffickers. Rakusan emphasized that the decision was the result of meticulous coordination with adjacent countries, notably mentioning Poland, which has also initiated analogous checks on its Slovakian border. He assured that the newly imposed controls aim to be efficient without severely hampering the regular traffic flow.

In addition to these measures, the Czech police force intends to deploy 130 officers, ensuring a watchful presence not just at the designated border crossings, but throughout the entirety of the border.

However, this move has not been without its detractors. Slovak Prime Minister Ludovit Odor openly expressed his criticism of the Czech strategy, underscoring the need for a pan-European approach to address the multifaceted migrant issue. The Slovakian government, in response to the Czech Republic's actions, is expected to make an official statement, potentially as soon as Wednesday.

Reflecting the gravity of the situation, Germany has already bolstered its defenses by intensifying police patrols. Specifically targeting the so-called "smuggling routes" along its borders with both Poland and the Czech Republic, Germany hopes to preemptively curtail the inflow of migrants.

The European Union, over the course of the year, has grappled with a marked surge in migration, with many originating from regions like Africa and Syria. A considerable number of these migrants often traverse through either Czech or Austrian territories as they journey toward Western Europe.